Our People

Melissa Jones - Auckland


Melissa smiling at the camera wearing a bright red top

With a heart to support communities that want to grow. I love facilitating conversations that get people thinking about what can be done to move their community forward. Connecting people together and connecting resources.  

The oldest of four girls. I’ve seen myself more of a guide than a bossy older sister. Helping each sister reach for their potential.  

I’m not where I want to be professionally and have a meek view of my identity. I’m learning that’s okay though and that it’s a journey.  

How I react to adversity and treat others is my responsibility. My future is up to me.  

Get comfortable with being different. I’m defiantly trying.  


+64 9 309 8966
The Be. Lab Office
Suite 204
Level 2
48 Greys Avenue
Auckland Central
Auckland 1010
(Visits by appointment only)

Please e-mail info@belab.co.nz for details.

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